Project Overview

Texas City, TX

Valero Texas City Firewater Storage

Valero Energy Corporation’s Texas City Refinery is located along the Gulf Coast in the southern United States. When a new Firewater storage tank was identified for construction at the refinery, the engineering team at Valero considered multiple tank options to meet this need including welded steel and prestressed concrete. As prestressed concrete was not well known to the Valero engineering team, a thorough technical and commercial evaluation was performed to assess the viability of a prestressed concrete tank to meet current and future firewater storage needs at the facility.

After working closely with Preload’s engineering staff, it was determined that the prestressed concrete tank met and exceeded all of the technical project requirements. The initial capital investment cost of a prestressed concrete tank was judged to be comparable or less than a welded steel tank. However, the extremely low lifecycle maintenance costs of prestressed concrete in comparison to a new welded steel tank illuminated an AWWA D110, Type III prestressed concrete tank as the obvious selection to meet Valero’s Firewater storage need.

The Firewater tank was designed per AWWA D110, ACI 372 and NFPA 22 codes and standards. Due to soft soil conditions, the floor was designed as a pile supported, structural concrete mat. The tank features an inside diameter of 120’-0” and side water depth of 60’-3” with multiple wall nozzles and dome nozzles included in the design to meet the suction flow rate, provide water circulation and accept inflow from multiple firewater sources. An exterior ladder with an intermediate rest platform was installed in accordance with Valero’s facility safety standards. A dome hatch large enough to accommodate both personnel and equipment was installed and enclosed by a handrail. Because the tank was highly visible to the refinery’s primary administrative building and a public highway, an aesthetic coating was applied with a large Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) logo painted on the side to celebrate Valero’s partnership with OSHA and proudly displays their commitment to safety.

Most importantly, with thousands of man hours invested in the field construction of the tank, the project was successfully constructed with ZERO OSHA Recordable and ZERO near miss incidents. This speaks to Preload’s full commitment to safety as the primary focus on any project site.

Industrial Applications
5.0 MG (120' IC x 60' SWD)
Valero Refining Company
Valero Refining Company
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