Project Overview

Kansas City, MO

Kansas City, the largest city in Missouri, serves as a medium air hub for the Midwest. Its international airport, built by the City of Kansas City, Missouri, is now operated by the Kansas City Aviation Department. In 2006, CDM Smith was chosen as the design consultant to perform a feasibility study to investigate better glycol collection methods to protect the receiving waters.

CDM Smith specified Preload as a named tank builder to design and construct an AWWA D110 Type III wire-wound prestressed tank for glycol storage. Preload prides itself on its ability to design prestressed concrete tanks for a diverse range of storage applications. This tank has a side water depth of 27’ and an inside diameter of roughly 138’. It stores up to 3.0 MG of glycol.

Industrial Applications
3.0 MG (138' ID x 27' SWD)
City of Kansas City
CDM Smith, Kansas City, MO
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