Lake Charles, LA
Lake Charles is the fifth-largest incorporated city in the U.S. state of Louisiana, located on Lake Charles, Prien Lake, and the Calcasieu River. Lake Charles was founded in 1861. In 2018, the City of Lake Charles saw the need to replace an old 3.0 MG steel tank with a new 2.0 MG Prestressed concrete storage tank. After researching available tank options, the project teams selected an AWWA D110 Type III prestressed concrete tank with a domed roof and membrane flooring to improve nearby soil conditions. The City of Lake Charles also designed the logo, which encapsulates the history of the city.
In 2019, Preload was selected as the general contractor for this project. The construction crews had plenty of space to work with during the project. However, the wet conditions and poor weather presented some challenges. Despite these challenges, however, Preload’s crews made the end product look incredible.
This 2.0 MG Water Storage Tank will provide reliable service to the City of Lake Charles for many decades to come.