Mt. Pleasant, PA
Portions of Mount Pleasant Township in Washington County, Pennsylvania, had never had public water service. Nearly 650 residents had to rely on groundwater sources that often failed to meet drinking water standards. In 2009, Pennsylvania American Water Company worked with its consulting engineer, Bankson Engineers, Inc., Cheswick, PA, to build a water storage tank and 2.8 miles of water main to reach those residents. The project team specified an AWWA D110 Type III prestressed concrete water storage tank because of its durability, long-term reliability, and negligible maintenance requirements. The team selected Preload as the preferred firm to build a 350,000 gallon water storage tank for this project.
One of the most slender AWWA D110 Type III tanks ever constructed, this Preload tank has an inside diameter of 30.5’ and a side water depth of 64’. Preload is proud to have helped bring quality, reliable water to portions of Mount Pleasant Township that had never before received public water service.