Warren County, OH
Warren County is located between Cincinnati and Dayton. It is known as a tourist destination with many historic landmarks, local shops, and a variety of festivals. Population growth created the need for more water storage. In 1995, the Warren County Water & Sewer Department hired consulting engineers CDM Smith, Inc., to address that need. After researching available options, the project team specified an AWWA D110 Type III wire-wound prestressed concrete clearwell tank. The team selected Preload, a recognized industry leader, as the preferred tank builder. The Preload clearwell features two 1.0 MG chambers inside a 2.0 MG tank. The tank-inside-a-tank feature provides additional operational capabilities for the water district. The 2.0 MG outer tank has a side water depth of 20’, an inside diameter of 132’, and a free-span concrete dome roof.
The two inner chambers each have side water depths of 20’, inside diameters of 93′ and 132’ respectively, and reverse “C” concrete baffles to optimize chlorine contact time. Preload provides today’s most advanced baffle wall tank designs to satisfy Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulations for disinfection and tank configurations to enhance operational capabilities.